Taipei Dog Training
Our goal is to bring the best out of you and your dog, you have to grow together. Making man’s best friend better.
Taipei Dog Training's Philosophy
A Holistic Approach To Training Your Dog
We believe dog training is actually a combination of training your dog and training you. You work in tandem, and much like a tandem bike, everyone needs to work together. So with this in mind if you want your dog to fulfil all your needs , you must also be ready to do the same for them. That means exercise, diet, enrichment, rest, play and rules must all be in place for your dog to flourish. Once that half of the equation is in place we can begin training. If all that isn’t in place training is a waste of time as results will be poor.
This is why we don’t offer board and train programs, we know we can train your dog and make it listen to us. But we need it to listen to you, if you don’t change your behaviour as soon as a dog is returned to you , it will over time revert to its previous way of behaving, which was always a reflection of how you interacted together. We train you both, you learn from us and use the skills on your dog.
About Taipei Dog Training
Taipei Dog Training was founded in 2012 , but my dog training journey began back in the late 1980’s. We have owned several breeds including Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Bulldogs, Dorset Old Tyme Bulldogs, American Pit Bull Terriers, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Taiwan Dogs and English Springer Spaniels. Having raised so many different breeds really helps us with our training approach, it has taught us to train the dog in front of you. That means you have to train in a flexible way to get the best out of each dog, and equally you have to train in a way that is suitable for each owner. Every person and every dog is different, our experience allows us to train in a way that keeps everyone happy.

We have trained many dogs over the last 4 decades, probably somewhere in the region of 3000 dogs. As well as trying all these pet dogs we have also been hired to train New Taipei Police K9 team, where we taught the dogs to search for Narcotics and explosives. We also were briefly hired to train Taiwans Coast Guard K9 team, but there were issues that left us with no choice but to withdraw our assistance. In 2001 we helped train the British Army and Royal Air Force military police dogs while stationed in Banja Luka Bosnia. Whilst in the USA in 2016 at Highland Canine School For Dog trainers we also took part in the training of several dogs that were deployed with various Police K9 Units around the USA.
As well as working with various countries military and police force k9 units, we have also worked on 3 seasons of the National Geographic TV show, Cesars Recruit Asia.
So we think our experience is enough to guide you through training your dog. But the training is only as good as the amount of work you put in. We don’t wave a magic wand and it’s done, we teach you and support you, but you have to put the work in. Just like the gym, if you don’t do what the trainer says you won’t get fit.

Our lessons are 1-1 , we offer 6 lesson courses, each lesson is about an hour and must be completed within 8 weeks.
Group Classes, they are virtually impossible to set up In Taiwan. That said if you have 2 or 3 people that want a group class we can set a date and advertise and see if we can get more to join. There are definite advantages to group classes in certain situations

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